99 Questions to ask BEFORE starting a business in the US, written by One Click Advisor founder James Chittenden and Renata Castro, Esq., founder of Castro Legal Group, has garnered an award from Focus Brasil. The event will take place at the World Meeting of Brazilian Literature Abroad from October 3-6, 2023 at the Consulate of Brazil in New York, New York.

Focus Brasil promotes the culture and positive image of Brazil and Brazilians worldwide.
It is recognized as one of the most relevant cultural events in the USA and abroad, acclaimed by institutions such as: Itamaraty, Ministry of Education, BBG-Brazilian Business Group, CFBACC-Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce, Centro Cultural Brasil-EUA, AOTP – American Organization of Teachers of Portuguese, ABI-Brazilian Asso¬ciation of International Press, Great Fort Lauderdale Alliance, among other Brazilian, American, and Hispanic entities.
There are more than 4 million Brazilians currently living outside the country.
Details of the event, location and schedule are available here.