One Click Advisor and ZipRecruiter

By James Chittenden

Coronavirus and coronavirus-related measures changed how, when, and where we work. The question is which changes will be permanent, and how will your relationship with employees and prospective employees be different from now on. Recruiting after 2020 will be a bit different than before, and there are some things you will need to know as an owner of a startup or small business.

First, what will remain unchanged?

Technology changes. The economy changes. However, human nature does not change. You are no less interested in finding good people to join your business than you were before 2020. Businesses 100 years ago and businesses 100 years from now share that in common with you.

Recruiting in 2020 and after 2020

Full time employees will still want good leadership, security, and benefits. Many small business owners struggle to find good providers of human resources services and benefits (compare Gusto and Zenefits). Since you need to have these things in place before you post a job, now you need to find the best recruitment software and use social media to convey the culture your new employees will be joining.

You can use Facebook to help you find good people. This post provides a solid guide on how to recruit on Facebook to find good people according to your budget.

What is different after 2020?

Linda Robertson of Robertson Business Solutions helps businesses source and acquire talent. In a recent conversation with One Click Advisor, Linda addressed job security, work/life balance, and work from home vs a return to traditional offices.

Millions of people lost “secure” jobs, were told to work from home, or keep their children home. Many turned to entrepreneurship in 2020 in order to provide themselves a measure of job security that employers won’t. One might assume that more people opt for independent contracting or self-employment. However, Robertson sees something different.

“You would think that people would shy away from jobs and toward contract workers. Instead, during covid-layoffs, contractors were the first to go. So the psychology is that people want full-time and secure jobs.” –Linda Robertson, Robertson Business Solutions

Is work from home here to stay?

“There will be a hybrid model that allows employees to from home with some periods of time required or desired to work within the traditional work environment…

…employees and employers have adapted and become accustomed to the remote work model that has proven to be more profitable, increased productivity, and offered a work-life balance. Over the last several months, I have had several employees express the desire to reengage with their colleagues and miss the in-person interaction and stimulation of collaboration however are hesitant to completely give up the remote work environment due to the positive advantages it presents, such as decreased distractions and a positive work-life balance.” –Linda Robertson, Robertson Business Solutions

AI is also growing more popular.

For efficiency, recruiters and hiring managers are relying more heavily on AI (Artificial Intelligence) after 2020. They will need to intelligently automate their workflow. AI can reduce or even eliminate the need to read resumes. Most hiring mangers would tell you that the hardest part of recruiting is identifying talent from large pools of resumes.

The best recruitment software provides efficiency. Use it to post a job. There are several options and most of them offer free trials, so you should try them all.

ZipRecruiter is AI-powered and is a top choice for businesses that must hire quickly and regularly.

One Click Advisor ZipRecruiter

ZipRecruiter is a service that distributes a job listing to over 100 job boards instantly. Additionally, it captures data from your candidates from all of these job boards. It eliminates the need to gather and filter applications from multiple job sites, and the interface and app are simple and easy to use.

ZipRecruiter Features

Applicant Tracking System ZipRecruiter has a marketplace and the ATS enables you to post your jobs directly to the ZipRecruiter marketplace. HireVue, Greenhouse and more are ATS integrate with the ZipRecruiter marketplace.

Pre-Written Job Descriptions ZipRecruiter has created a library of templates for different jobs and industries. There are over 500 of them and they can be easily customized.

Screening Questions ZipRecruiter allows you to customize screening questions so that you can only work with candidates that meet your non-negotiable requirements. ZipRecruiter provides pre-written questions in advance for your use.

Candidate Matching ZipRecruiter’s candidate matching tools add precision to your candidate search by scanning thousands of resumes. You can contact the candidates and send them a pre-written message inviting them to apply for your job.


ZipRecruiter does offer a four-day free trial. They do not publish pricing, but the Standard plan starts at $249 per month with one job. For 50 reusable slots, ZipRecruiter can cost upward of $1569 per month.


And finally…

Welcome to One Click Advisor! We would be remiss if we didn’t give you a brief tour of the site and what it can do for you. The free Business Builder is a consulting session, solving your business plan questions in minutes. Your challenges and opportunities can be sorted into one of three areas.

Marketing, because it brings in the customers. Start or continue that plan here.

Operations, because it keeps your customers. Start or continue that plan here.

Finance, because it is the scoreboard. Change the “score” and explore financing here.

Recruiting after 2020 is easier with the right help.