
Five New Ways to Increase Your Profits. Part 2: A Simple Way to Set Profit Margins

Part 2. Calculating Margins is Simple. Avoid This Rookie Mistake! By James Chittenden If pricing products scares you, you’re not alone. Incorrect pricing is very common. Novice business owners sometimes price too high, earning the contempt of their market. However, it is far more common to price too low in an attempt to gain market Read More

Five New Ways to Increase Your Profits. Part 1: Compare Yourself to Your Industry

Part 1. To See Where You Should Be, Compare Yourself to Your Industry By James Chittenden Let’s put some more money in your pocket. The goal here is to help you find efficiencies within your business and increase your margins WITHOUT having to resort to layoffs, gimmicks, or imposing sticker shock pricing. Compare yourself to Read More

Is it Time to Hire a Bookkeeper for Your Startup?

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By James Chittenden No business owners can do everything right, and certain business chores are too essential to accomplish without expert help. If your startup is becoming a more formal business and you are hiring, congratulations. You are doing something right. But you still need experts to help with everyday functions that are part of Read More